To celebrate the epitome of India’s rich and diverse culture, the students of MGLuxM, April 2017 batch of SP Jain organised the ‘Cultural and Traditional Day”. Each student was adorned in their traditional attire from different parts of the country; from elegant sarees and salwar kameeez’ to kurtas and pyjamas, the day was a fantastic way to connect with and adapt to the assortment of traditions within the classroom itself.
To celebrate the epitome of India’s rich and diverse culture, the students of MGLuxM, April 2017 batch of SP Jain organised the ‘Cultural and Traditional Day”. Each student was adorned in their traditional attire from different parts of the country; from elegant sarees and salwar kameeez’ to kurtas and pyjamas, the day was a fantastic way to connect with and adapt to the assortment of traditions within the classroom itself.

As the batch moves to Milan in a few months, the excitement of living a new culture was prevalent. The celebration was an excellent opportunity for an intercultural exchange and understanding, as well as enabling a spirit of brotherhood and an overall development of students.