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An alumnus of S P Jain School of Global Management, Khameer Shah completed his GMBA in 2014. He is currently the director of Light Pro Solutions and is one of the leading entrepreneurs of the country. Born in Chennai, India’s young entrepreneur, Khameer Shah, began to show an interest in the Lighting Industry at an early age. Through technological innovation, keen business strategy, and an aggressive business tactic, he established a company in Chennai with one simple mission to offer the highest standard of creative lighting design and client service.

An alumnus of S P Jain School of Global Management, Khameer Shah completed his GMBA in 2014. He is currently the director of Light Pro Solutions and is one of the leading entrepreneurs of the country. Born in Chennai, India’s young entrepreneur, Khameer Shah, began to show an interest in the Lighting Industry at an early age. Through technological innovation, keen business strategy, and an aggressive business tactic, he established a company in Chennai with one simple mission to offer the highest standard of creative lighting design and client service.

Khameer Shah Creative


Khameer Shah graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Commerce from Loyola College, Chennai. He later received GMBA in Contemporary Marketing Management from S P Jain School of Global Management. “When I came to S P Jain, I looked forward to taking a break from daily life at the office, gaining time to reflect and build new relationships. I had a general idea of what I wanted to achieve during S P Jain, but quickly realized that the program offered so much more than I ever expected.”, Khameer asserts. He also talks about the different experiences and exposures which were insightful and surpassed all his expectations.

Light Pro Solutions was established in Chennai, India with one simple mission to offer the highest standard of creativity lighting design and client service. Khameer, along with the firm, achieved this by having a strong project ownership, providing effective and efficient project communication and response times, and providing excellent ground support.
Describing the elements of S P Jain —the individual modules, lectures, great guest speakers, and even the relationships developed, Khameer tells us how these alone don’t capture the whole experience. The essence of the program is about bringing all of these learnings from different disciplines together to form a fresh view of the world, one’s environment, one’s relationships, and seeing oneself as a leader.

It is after realising how intertwined all aspects of the program were, that Khameer started drawing on the various takeaways from the different modules. He adds how, even though the faculty gave them clues about how to pull it together, in the end it was the effort put in by the students that mattered.

It is the learning from guest speakers ranging from various experts and CEOs made his learning experience even better. “I could have gone anywhere, but the SPJ reputation is, of course, amazing. At SPJ, you interact with world-class professors who are best of breed in their roles. To be able to examine topics like the Product Marketing, Disruptive Innovations, or Business operations through the lens of the SPJ faculty is phenomenal. It’s an especially valuable experience if you’ve been in a single business setting for years and have gotten used to doing things in a certain way.”, Khameer mentions.

On being asked if he could take away anything from the program that applied directly to his work, Khameer responds saying, “Regardless of our differences in culture, ethnicity, and global location, everyone in the class seemed to face similar challenges in each of our disciplines. This was a great opportunity to see my own health care delivery challenges from many different perspectives and really think outside the box to elicit much more creative solutions to the work in our organization. And because of the new connections I’ve made through this course, I now have a broader network for comparing approaches to similar problems.”

An excellent Table Tennis player with an ardent love for cricket and basketball, Khameer loves exploring new places in the world and trying our new cuisines. He learnt how to utilise the teachings of his courses and thus had the program unfold for him in the most spectacular way.

“The infrastructure that supports your learning at SPJ—where you’re thinking about competitive strategy, macroeconomics, financial accounting, and leadership—allows for deep moments of self-reflection over a twelve-month period. It is unquestionably transformational for every person attending the program. It makes you a more thoughtful leader, more mindful about how you want to lead in an organization. “, he concludes.




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