Amulya Ragam (BBA Intake of 2015) is currently pursuing an exciting internship opportunity with Vogue Australia. We caught up with Amulya to learn more about her unique internship story.
Amulya Ragam (BBA Intake of 2015) is currently pursuing an exciting internship opportunity with Vogue Australia. We caught up with Amulya to learn more about her unique internship story.
How did you find this internship opportunity?
I’ve always been interested in working in the fashion industry and I feel that most of the companies in this industry don’t really keep posting their internship offers online as they may not even have any. But if you show interest in their organisation by sharing how keen you are to work with them, they might give you an opportunity to get experience. That’s what I did as well. I emailed them myself, went down for an interview and got selected.
Could you tell us a bit about your job profile at Vogue Australia?
I’m working as a fashion assistant where my job is to assist the stylists in their everyday shoots. This includes marketing and PR work as well, where I get in touch with various brands and arrange clothes and accessories for shoots. I also use a software to bridge the photographs of all the products coming into the office, as the numbers are huge and proper documenting needs to be done. As an intern, I also get a chance to go work on shoots at different locations and understand the behind-the-scenes work.
How does your SP Jain experience help you with this internship?
Because I am a global student who has experiences study and life in three international cities, I always get to take my global experience to the organisation I’m working in and share my experiences with them along with enhancing those experiences with their culture.
What aspect of your internship are you enjoying the most?
I love everything about fashion and hence, love every aspect of it.
What is your advice for any future Jaguars considering an internship with Vogue?
My only advice would be that instead of just using websites like Seek and Indeed for internships, if there is any dream company of yours where you would want to work, you can always email them (find their email address online) and tell them that you are interested in working with them. Don’t forget to explain why an opportunity with them excites you. If they really want to have you, then they will definitely revert back. If not, they’ll always remember your interest and will contact you in the future if anything comes up.
About Amulya Ragam:
Amulya Ragam is a third-year Bachelor of Business Administration student with SP Jain School of Global Management. Her studies have currently taken her from Singapore to Dubai and finally to Sydney and she will be graduating from Sydney in early 2019. After her 1st year, Amulya interned at various start-ups like Eventory Pvt. Ltd. (Singapore) and Rewheel Eco Solutions (India) as a Marketer, Sales Intern and Communications Intern (she believes that start-ups are the first step to gain hands on experience). She further went on to intern as a marketer at organisations like Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited (India) and Loreal India. She is currently interning at Vogue Australia as a Fashion Intern and also at an NGO called NASSCOM Australia as a Marketing & Events Intern this summer. She is constantly looking to diversify her skill set and expand her network by working various types of businesses to better understand which suits her best in terms of having a life-time career in. Other than this, Amulya strongly believes in following her passions which include modelling and acting. She recently auditioned at the Miss India Australia 2018 contest and is awaiting the results.