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SP Jain in the News

An Introduction to ‘Domain Study’ in Luxury Management


‘Domain study’ is the latest value addition to the Luxury Management Program.  So what exactly is Domain Study? We have identified four main domains in the luxury space that is Fashion & Beauty, Automobiles, Jewellery, and the Hospitality sector. We invite experts from the luxury industries who share their thoughts and equip our students with all the knowledge and skillsets required to foray into the industry of their choice.

‘Domain study’ is the latest value addition to the Luxury Management Program.  So what exactly is Domain Study? We have identified four main domains in the luxury space that is Fashion & Beauty, Automobiles, Jewellery, and the Hospitality sector. We invite experts from the luxury industries who share their thoughts and equip our students with all the knowledge and skillsets required to foray into the industry of their choice.

domain study - SP Jain Luxury Management Program


Experts from brands like Estee Lauder, Anita Khatri Luxury Consulting, Diyaan Jewellery, and Jean-Claude Biguine Salon & Spa were among the few who recently visited our campus.

Since most of the leading luxury brands in India are all international brands, it is important for students to understand how these brands function in a diverse country like ours.  This understanding of the Indian market gives students a better perspective of the luxury brands and consumer behaviour pattern in developing economies like India and that of developed luxury markets like Milan, Paris, Switzerland and Germany.

We have received tremendous support from the Industry towards this initiative. The experts share their knowledge and understanding with the students from a practitioners view point. Their insights on strategies, branding, legal laws, policies, go-to-market strategies, consumer behaviour, etc help the students to understand the nuances of doing business in India. This industry-specific knowledge gives students an overview of what lies ahead of them and helps them hone the right skillset required to enter the industry. This also helps them to interact with the industry leaders which leads to getting live projects and placements subsequently.

Know more about SP Jain’s Master in Global Luxury Goods & Services Management program here.


Author’s Bio: Dr. Radhika Narayanan

Dr. Radhika Narayanan is the Director of the Master in Global Luxury Management, S P Jain School of Global Management. She has a Doctorate in Luxury Management in Emerging Markets, India. She has over 12 years of Academic work experience in the areas of Marketing, Negotiation & Luxury Management with SPJIMR & SP Jain Global. She has over 15 years of corporate work experience with leading organisations such as the American Express Bank, Dun & Bradstreet & Finolex Cables.

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