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SP Jain in the News

Entrepreneurial India: Where Taking Risks Is A Must


The new India has more people taking risks, and even more people willing to facilitate the process of taking risks. Entrepreneurial India is abundant with angel investors and venture capitalists, who have now understood that India can also innovate. Today, India is innovating, like never before!

The new India has more people taking risks, and even more people willing to facilitate the process of taking risks. Entrepreneurial India is abundant with angel investors and venture capitalists, who have now understood that India can also innovate. Today, India is innovating, like never before!



I believe in promoting teambuilding, tolerance, respect, and harmony even in challenging business environments. The most difficult are always the first set of steps. An idea can be abundant, but the implementation of the idea, and to be able to create a business out of it, requires a lot of mentoring and support from investors as well as peers.

This is where SP Jain came into the picture for me. SP Jain is one of the finest B-schools in the world. It provided me with a specialised MBA program in Operations and Supply Chain Management, which was going to be the cherry on the cake for my career. I had been serving the marine industry for 8 years and it was the right time to pursue my Masters to get more insights about managing various operations in the industry.

Today, I own PortDesk, a world class e-procurement platform for the Marine & Shipping Industry. It is a young and innovative maritime ITES company, focused in providing user friendly, comprehensive and cost efficient software solutions and services to the global maritime industry.

PortDesk is designed to cater to the modern requirements of operators, Business or Ship Owners, Brokers and Agents around the world. PortDesk’s integrated solutions and services enable shipping organisations to transform their voyage, chartering, lay time, operations, financials, vendor and bunker management.

My time at SP Jain was immensely fulfilling and helped me a lot in building this niche for myself. The case study approach that was the dominant portion of the teaching methodology exposed us to actual business scenarios rather than just theoretical concepts. The group tasks and assignments also added value in preparing us for team dynamics, task planning, and execution.



About the Author

Pushpit Pallav Sharma (GMBA 2011) is an energetic and enthusiastic International Chartering and Operations Manager and the owner of PortDesk.com. He obtained a degree in Operations and Supply Chain from SP Jain School of Global Management after pursuing his bachelors in Nautical Science from the University of Mumbai, India. He started his career as a Chief Officer/ Master on Tanker vessel in the D’Amico Shipping Group in September 2004. He has worked at numerous locations around the world and has held diverse roles and responsibilities in the organisations he worked in. He has a vast experience of commercial shipping operations worldwide.





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